"The Only Chiropractors I Go To For Advice" - James S
Download This Book Today To Learn How To Combat Your Back Pain 

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Things We Hear Everyday From Back Pain Sufferers..
⚫It started months/years ago and it's got worse over the years 
⚫I'm struggling to walk, lift and move
⚫I've been to the GP and feel like I've never found the real cause, just medication. 
⚫It's affecting my sleep
⚫I've become irritable and its affecting my relationships with my friends and family
⚫I can't bend forward to tie my shoes or lift anything up

Back Pain is hugely debilitating whether it's a nagging feeling or an intense pain; it affects how you move, your mood and ultimately your relationships. You may have noticed you've become grumpy, tired and irritable because of it. We hope you find some positive change from this book to get back to the old you.
What You'll Learn From This Book
✔ Knowing the best way to move forward and how to make the best decision
✔ Get a full nights sleep 
✔ Become more mobile and active
✔ Improved concentration and less distracted at work
✔ Stop feeling held back and get back doing the things you love
✔ Back Pain being a thing left in the past
✔ Reducing pain medications 

The Results Start When You Do..
About The Author
Dr Louise Edwards DC

Dr Lou's journey into health started as a child. Her main passion is in educating people to be the best version of themselves; this mainly is through Chiropractic care and the bodies amazing ability to self heal and self regulate. To further her Chiropractic passion she adjusts all things with spines being a fully trained Veterinary Chiropractor too.

See What Others Say..

  • G SAID "IT'S CHANGED MY LIFE" I've been going to Results Align for about 6 weeks now, and can honestly say that it's changed my life in such a short amount of time.
  • JAMES SAID- I have been to other Chiropractors, Osteopaths with my  issues over the last year with limited success. I have been recently going to Results Align and have remarkably improved.